I have been a spiritual seeker all my life, navigating a winding road of healing & self discovery.
I first discovered sound healing in 2006 and achieved Practitioner status in 2012.
In addition to being a professionally qualified sound therapist, I am a qualified Lifelong Learning tutor with decades of experience.
In my sound therapy work, my mission is to take you on an exploration of the healing power of sound through the gong, medicine drum & rattle. As Einstein said, "everything in life is vibration", and sound therapy offers us the opportunity to connect with our inherent ability to heal. I am professionally insured, am a registered Practitioner Member of the Complementary Medical Association (No. CMA1706), and a Practitioner member of the College of Sound Healing (No. 1347).
I also craft shamanic tools to connect with ancient wisdom and knowledge, bringing to life that which is long forgotten - honouring connection to the rhythm of the land and the flow of life, and working in a prayerful way with good intentions. These tools are powerful, helping us step past our egoic self, the conditioning imposed on us and the trauma we experience, thus clearing the way to help connect with our true essence.
I've always been a seeker of spiritual truth, and a shadow walker. My formal spiritual education began with Reiki Level I around 1999, and I went on to gain my Level II in 2006. At this time, I also met Steven Ash, my elder and teacher in the ways of the Medicine Wheel and shamanic and healing practices. Working under Steven's tutelage for many years, I was drawn to start birthing drums and rattles through a vision I received in a traditional Inipi ceremony. I went on to study formally with the College of Sound Healing, and gained my Practitioner's diploma in Sound Healing with the Shamanic Drum in 2012.
In 2023 during meditation, I received information that I needed to incorporate the gong as part of my sound therapy offerings. I embarked on a learning journey with Aidan McIntyre and the Grand Gongmaster, Don Conreaux - servant of world peace for 50 years and developer of the globally renowned Gongmaster training.