"Wisdom says I am nothing,
And love tells me I am everything,
And between these two, my life flows"
Nisagadatta Maharaj
I am a registered Training College with the Complementary Medical Association, giving you reassurance that I offer outstandingly high quality training in the field of sound therapy, in a calm and supportive way. My workshops are accredited, which can lead you to Practitioner status if you choose to achieve certification through case study work, which I support you with as part of my offerings.
I have been involved in teaching and training for 3 decades in corporate settings, have facilitated drum healing workshops and sacred ceremony work for very many years, and am a qualified Lifelong Learning Tutor. It is my passion to share knowledge with patience, compassion & light heartedness - when I teach, I also learn.
Please see my Workshops page for current offerings in Gong and Shamanic Drum Practitioner training. I offer training on an individual basis, if you prefer to work in this way, and also in small groups.
The Complementary Medical Association is the world's leading and most highly respected professional Membership Association for practitioners & training providers in the field of Complementary Medical & Natural Healthcare. I am proud to support its work through my total commitment to ethics & excellence.
"The Gong is the first & last instrument for the human mind.. It is the first sound in the Universe, the sound that created the Universe. To the mind, the sound of the gong is like a mother and father that gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist a gong that is well played"
Yogi Bhajan, Grand Master of Kundalini Yoga
Learning the gong is a deeply esoteric and spiritual experience born of complete surrender and leading to the cultivation of gong consciousness. Gong consciousness is the permissive, non-egoic state of total acceptance of "whatever is, simply is". This yogic state, known as Turiya, connects us to the Source. In my gong practitioner teachings, you will learn the fundamentals of the gong in order to start to develop gong consciousness. You will also benefit from:
- a solid teaching lineage;
- 18 years of my sound healing experience taught by a qualified tutor;
- £15k of the best quality gongs and equipment to play with;
- a well thought out & structured teaching process, including learning objectives & lesson plans;
- a well written, professionally printed & bound training manual;
- a quality certificate;
- the opportunity to attain registered Practitioner status through ongoing mentored work.
Learn more about this training on my Workshops page. I offer this training on an individual and group basis.
"Drum sound rises on the air, its throb my heart. A voice inside the beat says - I know you are tired, but come. This is the way"
The shamanic medicine drum takes us into our heartspace. As a foetus in our mother's womb, it is the first sound we heard, and also its voice is the beat of Mother Earth.
In my shamanic drum practitioner teachings, you will work in a deeply ceremonial way to birth your own drum. We will build a Medicine Wheel together in the tradition in which I have been taught - there are many, none are right or wrong, its about our spiritual intent.
In birthing your own drum, you will form an understanding of its anatomy, and over time develop the deepest, intimate connection with this powerful tool,. You will also learn the fundamentals of shamanic journeying, ceremonial drum circles, and the application of the drum to sound therapy, enabling you to offer this as a therapy for others. If you choose to progress towards practitioner status, you will be mentored in your case study work.
Learn more about this training on my Workshops page. I offer this workshop on an individual and very small group basis by arrangement.